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Darmashishwa Scholarship offered by the Indonesian Government; 600–1000 USD per month with additional advantages

Indonesia is made up of 17,000 islands. Since gaining independence from the Netherlands, the country has developed in education, industry, agriculture, and overall aspects. The country's capital, Jakarta, is called the New York of Asia. There is a golden opportunity for higher knowledge for Bangladeshi students. Applications for full-funded scholarships are sought every year through the Indonesian Embassy website. The behavior of every official and employee of the Indonesian Embassy is amiable, inspiring anyone to study in Indonesia and learn about it. The Indonesian government offers three types of scholarships every year. Three-month Cultural Exchange, Darmashishwa and KNB. Darmashishwa and KNB are the most prestigious scholarships awarded by the Indonesian government. The Darmashishwa scholarship is one year, and the KNB scholarship is three years. Indonesian language education is compulsory in both scholarships. Darmashishwa scholarships are usually offered in Indonesian langua

Darmashishwa Scholarship offered by the Indonesian Government; 600–1000 USD per month with additional advantages

Indonesia is made up of 17,000 islands. Since gaining independence from the Netherlands, the country has developed in education, industry, agriculture, and overall aspects. The country's capital, Jakarta, is called the New York of Asia. There is a golden opportunity for higher knowledge for Bangladeshi students. Applications for full-funded scholarships are sought every year through the Indonesian Embassy website. The behavior of every official and employee of the Indonesian Embassy is amiable, inspiring anyone to study in Indonesia and learn about it.

The Indonesian government offers three types of scholarships every year. Three-month Cultural Exchange, Darmashishwa and KNB. Darmashishwa and KNB are the most prestigious scholarships awarded by the Indonesian government. The Darmashishwa scholarship is one year, and the KNB scholarship is three years. Indonesian language education is compulsory in both scholarships. Darmashishwa scholarships are usually offered in Indonesian language, culture, hotel management, and fine arts. The KNB is a three-year scholarship from the Indonesian government covering fairly common subjects. Every year, three students from Bangladesh get this scholarship. As a scholarship coverage, 600 to 1000 US dollars are paid for each month's handout. In this sense, staying in any city in Indonesia is quite comfortable.

In addition, most universities in Indonesia have their own scholarships. Where the amount of benefits and scholarships differs according to the university. The application for the Darmashishwa scholarship is now underway. Classes will begin in the first week of September.

Required Documents –
1. Must be a general graduate pass. It is better if the result is a 3.5 in CGPA;
2. All academic certificates;
3. Approval of the university teacher;
4. Passport
5. Medical clearance
6. Research proposal.

What is found in the scholarship –
1. Every month's scholarship money
2. All types of books and other educational materials (different from scholarship)
3. Travel air tickets (different from scholarship)
4. Dormitory facilities (different from scholarship)

In addition, the university needs its own scholarships. Applications for KNB scholarships are usually published on the Embassy's website in the same way from the last week of January. In addition, almost every university in Indonesia publishes scholarship notices on its own website before the start of the semester.

One of the characteristics of Indonesia's education system is to teach with pleasure. Apart from this, there is an excellent opportunity to travel to various historical places and get acquainted with Indonesian food and culture. The security system of the Indonesian government regarding the safety of foreigners in this country, surrounded by the sea and mountains, is commendable. The cost of living here is the same as in Bangladesh. Indonesian people are generally hospitable. So, if you need to remember the road, getting help from the people here is easy. Javanese culture, sand dancing, or if you want to get lost, like Java. And there is a lot to be inspired by the simple life of people in Indonesia, a country of 17,000 islands.

Application Deadline: online till April 7, 2024

Click here for details on how to apply for the Darmashishwa Scholarship.

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